My mom put a smackdown on my most recent personal drama: My bounce between elation and tears as I send my firstborn to high school.
I am unbelievably happy about watching my son reach a new stage in life. When he turned 1, I wondered what kind of young man he would be as a teen in high school. It feels like a miracle to watch my question get answered... in living color.
None of that elation stopped me from crying my eyes bloodshot in the bathroom at work on his first day of school. I thought crying on the toilet was for stomach viruses, breakups, and drunken binges on rum-and-coke. Now I know that those toilet-times are also for facing the last four years of your son's childhood - and watching him face the same.
As I described this to my mother, she spoke quiet words of her own revelation that put a complete smackdown on my personal drama:
"I have a daughter going on 40, who has a teenage son in high school."
After somebody dragged the needle off of my record, I'm feeling like a new drama-free woman. Why? Because I didn't know 35 was "going on 40." Also because I can't let my brain migrate to a place of wondering what it will be like when my son is 35 and raising my aging grandkids.
Love you, mom!