During the Presidential campaign, Obama was heavily criticized (by some) for admitting that diplomacy should reign, and the United States should engage in diplomatic conversations with our enemies.
I was actually surprised by the amount of criticism he received for a few reasons:
1. The United States is not blameless in these broken relationships. I don't believe our foreign enemies are simply annoying little countries that need to find a hobby besides picking on us.
2. Even if our government is blameless, wouldn't a conversation help equalize any misunderstandings?
3. Time can heal wounds. Have you ever made-up with a friend after time made an old argument outdated? Sometimes a kissy-kissy makeup is only a phone call away.
4. Who in all fuggin carnation died and left the US in charge of establishing a snooty clique, with a turned-up nose, that waves a pompous hand and decides which other leaders are too beneath us to deserve the respect of a conversation?
Wait. Do you hear that sound? Listen closely... Doesn't that sound very similar to the Far Right Christian Conservative idea that homosexuals and minorities don't deserve respect on their own soil?
That same mentality is directed towards "others" here at home.
Folks, it's called xenophobia, and it's an ugly disease that can only maim and kill.
I enjoyed Bob King's commentary regarding negative reaction to Obama's honorable definition of diplomacy. Bob starts with this:
As field negro always says, the Christian Right is neither [Christian or right]. If I remember correctly, Jesus was regularly criticized by the uber-religious Pharisees for His regular conversations with "undesirables."
Anybody who ever read a Bible knows how the Pharisees were spiritually stunted.
Bob King ends his assessment with this:
Read the rest here.
It's the same old story: parasitic religious zealots and amoral or immoral business interests find a common ground in politics, war and oppression.
Posted by: Kit (Keep It Trill) | November 16, 2008 at 07:52 AM
@KIT: Yes yes yes, Kit! That common ground creates some strange bedfellows. May I never EVAH in life find myself sleeping with such bedbugs. (pun intended, hehe)
Posted by: Hawa | November 17, 2008 at 02:49 PM