McCain is a class act. A low class act. The act that gets away with looking high class for cheating on his wife with an heiress, later marrying that heiress, calling her a "cunt" in public, and wearing $500 loafers. (Talk about elitist... I don't think Obama runs around in golf carts rocking $500 loafers, but that's another post...)
Disagreeing with McCain - or looking like somebody who might disagree with him - can quickly get you manhandled. How about these stories:
On Friday August 1, 2008, Stephen Price, the lone Black reporter at a McCain rally, was asked to leave the event. A White reporter who asked about the injustice and defended Price was quickly shown the door.
Jonathan Block of the McCain campaign provided the following wack excuse:
Block said the area where Price was standing was restricted to members of the traveling national press corps which accompanies McCain on the campaign trail.
Hmmm. So Price showed his press credentials and did everything he was asked to do. The ultimate bogus excuse that Price was standing in the wrong area doesn't amount to 2-cents since other members of the local press were also in that designated area but not asked to leave.
This story reeks. First, Price was not the only person outside of McCain's personal traveling press standing in the designated area to cover the rally. Second, why the h*ll does McCain have special designated areas for media only designed to report him in a good light? Is that his master plan for controlling media images of the angry, forgetful, sexist, racist, warmongering presidential candidate? I can't help but believe that Republicans are secretly disgusted that McCain represents their party in the upcoming elections. I'm sure many support him by day and shower from the stench after a brief vomit at night.
In other McCain censorship news, a librarian was asked to leave a public McCain rally for holding a sign that says McCain = Bush. You heard me right. An otherwise peaceful participant, the librarian was strong-armed into leaving for her quiet expression of a popular sentiment:
The event, at the Denver Center for the Performing Arts, was billed as "open to the public." Yet
Carole Kreck, a 61-year-old librarian carrying a McCain=Bush sign, was
taken away by police [on orders from McCain's security detail] for
trespassing. A police officer told Kreck: "You have two choices. You
can keep your sign here and receive a ticket for trespassing, or you
can remove the sign and stay in line and attend this town hall
meeting." Kreck received a ticket for trespassing and her court date is
July 23.
Unless you live under a rock, (or you're just asleep at the wheel), the consequences of McCain in office promise a dismal picture. We can expect a truckload of bad behavior from McCain if Americans elect him in November. From Blacks, to gays, to Browns, and even Whites who aren't a part of the highest-upper-class in this nation. And if you can't stomach a vote for Obama, please just write-in your dog's name. Don't cast a detrimental vote for McCain. Heck, I hear Ralph Nader will make another showing this year. Can't you just waste a vote on him?
guess u aint read me yet
crook by another name is John McCain
Posted by: rawdawgbuffalo | August 06, 2008 at 02:29 PM
@RawDawg: I'm behind on my blog reading. I'm gonna catch up today... right now... starting with your post on John McCain. And as always... it's a pleasure to see you roll through my blog today!
Posted by: Hawa | August 07, 2008 at 08:14 AM
John McCain is not only personally repellent, he's dangerous. I assign a non-trivial probability to his intiating a thermo-nuclear war if elected.
Don't believe me. Believe Pat Buchanan and Senator Thad Cochrane (R-AL). They have been unsparing in offering the same opinions in public.
I'm not eligible to vote, but were I eligible, I'd rank the possible choices this way: OBAMA, MCKINNEY, BARR, NADER, THE WRITE-IN, BALDWIN, McCAIN.
Posted by: Kelso's Nuts | August 10, 2008 at 08:28 AM
@Kelso: I hear ya on "Warmonger" McCain. I agree that he is personally repellent, which is far less important than where he'd take this country given the steering wheel.
Looking at McCain vs. Obama supporters, I can't help but draw a dismal conclusion: McCain supporters are either staunch Republicans (nothing unusual about that), the very wealthy who count on unjust policy to protect their wealth, or die-hard racists (::sigh::). I didn't think it requires rocket science to figure where we'll end up with McCain. Besides party loyalty, wealth protection, and racism, what rational person could trust McCain in office??
Posted by: Hawa | August 11, 2008 at 09:12 AM