Some of my favorite bloggers have categories available to dump folk for bad behavior.
Field has the "House Negro" category (in the side bar) and AttorneyMom gets real with her comical "Sit Your Azz Down List."
And just to make sure I have my own special place for those who experience severe brain farts, I've created Moron Island.
In fairness, I'll admit that I've visited Moron Island from time to time. Like the time I had a $27 bill go to collections because I was too lazy to just write a dang check.
But right now, anybody marooned on Moron Island should see a new figure emerging from the distance... Duane "Dog the Bounty Hunter" Chapman.
For some reason, Dog has a close intimate relationship with the word "Nigger." You can find audio of Dog's racist rant just about anywhere on the internet. A dramatic twist reveals that Duane's own son, Tucker, purchased Dog's ticket to the island. Apparently, Tucker's decision to date a black woman triggered rabid ire from the Dog, who went on to fire his son from the bounty hunting legacy so long as the black woman was still on his arm.
Dog even treated us to a hint of what will happen if one of his daughters brings home a black man. In his own words... "Fuck that."
Now I don't know about you, but Dog is a favorite in my house. We're drawn to his reliance on prayer and his faith in Jesus. We smile on the real relationship he seems to have with his wife. We adore the way he keeps his family together. And we honor his stated goal to help those who keep sliding onto the wrong side of the law.
But for now, and with some proverbial tears, this blogging nigger will have to pass on Dog. His tv show and aversion to brown skin tones are no longer allowed in the house. If I had one, I'd tip my 40oz Colt 45 to Dog as I mourn his departure to Moron Island and away from my television.
Whoa! That's some real live crazy mess right there. I'm so appalled that racism is still so alive and kicking in 2007 that it's not even funny. Dog's banishment to Moron Island sounds like the best place for him. Good thing Dog's not in Enland where the majority of relationships are interracial. *gasp!*
Posted by: blujewel | November 07, 2007 at 06:50 AM