I rolled around the idea of "Calculating 'Love'" as my "C" topic. I wanted to talk about all of the things that give us a picture of our declining ability to show genuine love towards other humans. The divorce rate is rising. The marriage rate is dropping. The murder rate is rising, and although it can't be measured, the rate of unkindness is generally accepted as on a steep rise. If I had a magical calculator to put in such data, it would probably reveal that "love" is at a major deficit in this country.
Yes yes yes. I wanted to talk about calculating "love"... until I read about the ex-porn star trying to sell a 13-year old girl's virginity.
The article seems to indicate that drugs and/or the desire to purchase a car prompted the unusual "sale." I was deeply annoyed and borderline angry about a few of the points:
1. The 32-year old ex-porn star is a bit of a legend, having slept with 466 men in 4 and a half hours.
2. She was quite flip about the sale possibly being a good thing for the 13-year old girl.... you know... to break her in to the world.
3. And worst of all, Miss Ho-a-Lot didn't get ONE SINGLE DAY in jail.
Apparently, the judge felt that Ho-a-Lot had done so many wonderful things to change her life since the incident that she didn't deserve a day in jail. The fact that she stopped using drugs and found honest work as an "escort" was enough to pat her fanny and send her on her way.
What the article fails to cover is the damage to the girl. In fact, much to my gag reflex, the ex-porn star is almost painted as a victim of her own life. (Does anybody understand the concept that personal choices bring either consequences or rewards??) The judge makes the useless comment "The effect that this must have had [on the girl] can't be overlooked." The judge's afterthought comment was the only time the article even gave a nod to the real victim of the story. As far as I'm concerned, he really should have saved his breath if he was going to follow with NO JAIL SENTENCE.
I don't care if Ho-a-Lot became a Catholic nun. That little girl deserved much better justice... even if it was 2 weeks in jail. One could argue that Improving your life (if Ho-ness really did) after a crime should factor towards leniency, but not towards an absolute clean slate. Pshh.
Don't forget to take a moment and read the story for yourself.
Like you, i'm more than disgusted by the judge's blantant disregard for the little girl and his apparent adoration for the disgusting mother. maybe he frequents prostitutes and that's why he's apparently biased. the child will be forever scarred by her mother's actions and will have her self-esteem compromised unless someone can pitch in and redeem it before her mother takes another stab at selling her again.
Posted by: BluJewel | May 30, 2007 at 12:52 PM